The Gospel Proclaimed

Cameron Clifford

June 16th, 2022

I'm currently writing most of this update while on the Gold Coast at the moment. I have had the privilege of joining all the other AFES staff at a conference this week. It's been great already to connect with other staff, both new and seasoned, all around Australia (even connecting with some of my old strand leaders from NTE).

AFES Staff Conference

AFES SSC Conference
AFES SSC Conference

The theme of the conference was "Proclaiming Christ in our Culture". We have been engaging in many relevant discussions that our current culture is facing (particularly our younger generation). It has been refreshing and valuable to remind ourselves of what the gospel is so that when we are talking with our society, we can correctly contextualize our words so that they can understand what the gospel is. As we do this it is crucial to remember that we don't change the gospel to match our culture but instead speak into our culture with the gospel.

Also during the conference, it has been great to get to know other staff and to speak with them about what they are doing within their own campus groups (particularly those with similar-sized groups and staff support). It has given me many ideas that I am hoping to take back with me, from thinking about evangelism strategy to growing our community. Unfortunately, there is so much that could be done but with my single day a week with the students, I will need to sit down and think about what to prioritise and to focus on for semester 2.

Church Ministry

Everything at The Branch seems to be going well at the moment, even with the absence of a senior pastor. It's different but also good to see many people within our congregations stepping up and volunteering in different ways. It has even provided opportunities for me to become more independent in my responsibilities and growing in leadership with that.
I have been particularly encouraged by our growth groups. I have recently met with most of the leaders to see how they are going and to support them in their roles discipling people. We have also had a few new groups start up I am thankful for those leaders too.

Next Year?

I can already tell that the next 6 months will go quickly as I come to the end of my apprenticeship. I am still very thankful for the 2 years I have had to be serving and learning how best to honour God with what he has given me. Soon I'll need to start making plans for what I'll do next year and many people have already been asking me about this.
My current thoughts are to eventually go to Bible College, but I think it will be wise before then to keep myself flexible to be able to support and volunteer with both The Branch and Uni Fellowship. During that time I also think it is a good idea to do some other non-ministry-related work to experience what that is like.

Prayer Points

  • Thank God for the Gospel he has given us to proclaim to the nations. Pray that we would all be able to effectively share the one true hope.
  • Ask the Spirit to guide me as I start thinking about what to focus on with the students next semester.
  • Pray that many students would attend Mid-Year Conference and be edified in learning about God's Sovereignty from the Bible.
  • For guidance as I seek God in what he wants me to do next year.